You want to reduce your masculine jerking habits and replace with feminine ones for 20 days
You value humiliation in supportive environment
You are comfortable with your fetishes as there is a bit of brain shift, becoming and staying a positive slutty girl
Runs for 20 days
Contract to sign
Pre-configured app/website blocking program (optional, but adds to interactivity)
Videos to watch
Audios to listen
RCEI (Ruined cum eating instructions)
Cum Denial
Ruined Orgasm
My voice instructions
New sensations through learning your body, instead of just jerking off
And more
Blocker X (Optional to use)
App and website blocking software. This only works on macOS and Windows.
We have created and preconfigured a software you can install on your computer. This will disable some of your porn like straight and lesbian. So I could better control the porn you watch. Hypnotube.com is enabled to inject suggestions making you the girl I want you to be 🙂
Use computer for this assignment
Have a chastity (can be done without but need to use your willpower then)
Bit of a brain shift going on here. Become and stay a positive slutty girl.
Duration: 20 days online dominance
Chastity recommended, not a must
I want to align your body, your mind and your sensitive area.
No worries, no doubts, just you, me and my instructions on the 20 day journey. Your wild side also has a sensitive side on it’s own. I want to introduce you to it. It will be so much fun and you only need to follow the instructions. Do not think, do not doubt, let me take the steering wheel for your brain. It’s only 20 days and then you will get back the driving seat.
Chrissy –
I really enjoyed this course because I learned different ways to get pleasure. The tease did get me horny but I really enjoyed the pleasure of being teased. I would definitely recommend this course to others that want to learn different ways to receive pleasure.
Ally –
I feel so much more comfortable being a sissy. This course definitely got me in my sub space and I wore a chasity cage for most of it too.
Sally –
Overall I thought the course was good. The only thing I would of like to seen is a little bit more directions on how to get ready before starting a task. Putting on panties makeup etc but this course did push my sissy limits to new fats. Now when I’m rubbing myself through my panties with my vibrator I know clench down on my butt plug when I edge increasing my surge and need for a big cock to fuck me 🙂
Jenna –
I like the idea but whoever picks the videos in most the classes and tasks, I personally think is in bad taste. most the videos are in so-so quality when there is so much content on the internet. I think there is much room for improvement on that. but the idea of all of the classes and tasks are great. I had to use hypnotube to find better videos to do each of the tasks throughout the 20 days.. theres just no possible way I could edge when watching a bad quality video. On a good note, I do like the idea of all of the classes and tasks as I said before. theres no need to post this review but I would hope it is read and understood.
Aroura –
It brought a unique perspective on masterbateing and how it felt. The blocker x app didn’t do anything besides slow down my computer because i wouldn’t go to the porn website besides to masterbate and I was told not to. I enjoyed the tasks and they worked well together.
Denise –
One of the best online courses ive taken! Every session leaves you in anticipation of a new one. At first it was a bit challenging with the blockerx app but you get used to it quickly and it definitely helped me to discipline myself (although imo the app does need some work as some yt vids would get blocked bc a banned word was in the description or comments)
Raven –
I loved the overall experience. I will incorporate some elements in the future. All of it felt more natural than expected, with the teasing being just right. I had to stop me a few times and get into chastity to avoid spoiling the fun.
The entire assignment felt moderately difficult. The most difficulty for me was the positions, as I can’t properly sit on my heels. But I found solutions for this, so it was still enjoyable!
I would totally recommend the assignment to other students. Having a chastity cage/belt and a dildo ready is recommended.
I would not necessarily recommend using BlockerX, however. While the app itself adds to the interaction, it was a bit too annoying and could not properly distinguish between “good” and “bad” sites. On Firefox, it was closing Amazon windows while browsing for sex toys, for example. But if you can live with that, go for it!
Nahara –
I really liked the masturbation schedule. It wasn’t to difficult. Some of wasn’t easy but that’s the point. The tasks made me very aroused and kept me aroused. I would suggest every sissy try this course. I can’t seem to think of much that needs improvement other then making it longer
Jen –
I enjoyed the journey, receiving instructions and being teased, I was on the edge most days..
Taylor –
It was an enjoyable experience however each day seemed a little sparse for content. If there were more tasks to do on each on day it would have made it a lot more fun and engaging.
Debby –
very very good, a lot of fun, a lot of build up. Something of note for us Virginia gurls, we cannot access pornhub without a vpn at the moment, so those videos cant be viewed without jumping through hoops first. I kind of wish I had gone for the hard version from the begining. I have had a little confusion on the removal/modify the software to keep me in line, so maybe some follow up instructions for the end please. I would recommend this to other gurls. things that might make it even more fun, more interactive tasks, the submitting photos was fun, hot, scary and i loved it. Also maybe add in tasks that need to be done through the day. Looking forward to trying another lesson soon.
Louise –
Was it easy, moderate or difficult assignment ?
Did you like printout to see your schedule?
It’s perfect, I sometimes wanted to be at your feet to beg you to have the rest of the program.
Did the Blocker X app add bit of interaction to the assignment?
Yes, I had problems with r/SissificationAcademy/ I could not access certain positions of my colleagues as well as the impossibility of accessing a document that you provided to us.
Was it enough teasing, was it too much teasing, was it just right?
Perfect <3.
Did you enjoy the tasks given, did they make you horny?
I liked it very much thank you and congratulations for your work. However, I try to become a sissy to be at the feet of a mistress and not a master, so it was sometimes disturbing to have a zoom on men, I do this program but there are limits for me whom I do not want and cannot cross.
Would you recommend the assignment to other students?
Yes, but I don't have the chance to know someone like me on a daily basis, I'll settle for social networks
Thank you soooo much for your work, and please forgive my dubious English, I'm not an English speaker.
Thanks for reading me <3.
Jennifer –
Hello Sissy,
Yes you. Odds are, if you’re reading this, you are like I was just over 20 days ago. I was intrigued at the thought of guided masturbation, and naturally “a little” fixated on being feminine. I masturbated often, feeling less and less satisfied, and was looking to be inspired. I offer no spoilers, only my perspective.
When the description said “let me take the steering wheel for your brain”, I had no concept of the tangents I’d be taking with Head Mistress Alyssa. I signed my contract, locked my clitty, and let the flow of desire take me. There’s a lot of chastity (cage is highly recommended), and it was difficult at first. By day 3, I was humping the furniture. By day 8, I started filling my idle time being productive. By day 16, I was ready to serve, thinking less and less about my own release. After the assignment finished, I wanted nothing more than to continue my surrender. This conditioning really has an affect if you let it.
I walked in lacking inspiration. I followed all the instructions to the letter, and honestly, I feel changed. This is a full surrender of masturbatory control. Head Mistress took me on an eye opening spelunking adventure into my subconscious. I learned so many truths about myself over the last 3 weeks, that I questioned a lot of what I thought I knew about myself. In a good way… Things I’ve never acknowledged for myself until now are undeniable, and I’m actually happy to say it. It has been a real journey of self-discovery.
Now, I’m still locking up. I learned to love restricting my arousal. I don’t want to masturbate, at least not now. The old adage “absence makes the heart grow fonder” couldn’t be more applicable. My self-pleasure was failing to deliver me what I needed, because I lost my appreciation for pleasure. During the course of this assignment, I learned to seek pleasure from all my erogenous zones and from servicing others, and I haven’t been this satisfied in years.
Thank you to Head Mistress Alyssa for this guided tour of my feminine side. We are one now, and I humbly thank you for getting us so acquainted.
Now back to you sissy. If you’re even slightly curious, take the plunge. It’s 20 days of enlightenment with no strings attached. For me, this assignment definitely changed my masturbation habits for the foreseeable future. I loved it! Maybe you will too.
Sissy Jennifer
Clarence –
It was a good course but sometimes the task was a bit hard
Tanisha –
The course was fantastic I learned to to truly be the sissy I am. I can’t wait to please cock and be a toy for others. I was teased into submission
Jesse –
I enjoyed it. Some of the items I didn’t have which made it difficult but overall learned a lot. About myself and turned me on in new ways I never knew about
Emiko –
Very interesting. I’m not good at explaining things so without spoiling anything I’ll just say, it had some ideas I wouldn’t have thought of myself.
I loved it. Including the enticipation of every new mail
Alina –
really good and i was able to improve my skills
Alex Maddison –
I just love the progressing Mistress Alyssa took me through, from stroking with a death grip to rubbing my penis, I mean clitty. In the past i have never paid much attention to my nipples, buy now I really get pleasure from rubbing my nipples and clitty. Thank you so much Mistress Alyssa, I am so grateful.
Was it easy, moderate or difficult assignment? Difficult
Did you like printout to see your schedule? I did not print out. Edited PDF
Did the Blocker X app add bit of interaction to the assignment? yes! I would constantly go to Pornhub, just to be blocked.
Was it enough teasing, was it too much teasing, was it just right? About right
Did you enjoy the tasks given, did they make you horny? Extremely horny!
Would you recommend the assignment to other students? Absolutely!
Aliie –
It was difficult to be so patient but so rewarding. Made me feel so girly and I loved feeling girly.
Namiah –
The course was moderate in difficulty. I enjoyed the tasks that was assigned to me and made me feel like a girl even more when you confess your feelings.
Marie –
Overall the Schedule is pretty nice and Good to become a better sissy. But it would be nice if you sent a list or stuff needed for the Schedule.
Sakimi –
Dear Diary,
Whew! What a dizzyingly delightful 20 days it’s been! I’ve been ever so good, sticking to my special teaching assistant schedule of controlled fun. Such an exhilarating routine it was – one day of patience and restraint, and the next of teasing and edging. A thrilling roller coaster of pleasure and self-control, I must say. I found it a truly tempting test of wills, making me anticipate the ecstasy even more!
But oh, Diary, as a naughty little premature princess, I must confess that some of the sequences proved to be a tad too tantalizing! The videos, bless their soul, were a smidge too lengthy for a quivering creature like me. Keeping up with the pace was like trying to hold back a fluttering hummingbird! But, you know me, I love a good challenge!
And in spite of that little hiccup, I found myself rather pleased with the whole experience. There’s something about the dance between desire and discipline that just sets my heart aflutter.
However, oh, the tragedy! Unable to use the blockerX program because I was working with a public PC, the lost chance to intensify my delightful discipline further. My sissy heart is a bit saddened.
Nevertheless, these past 20 days have been nothing short of exhilarating. I’ve grown, teased, and learned so much about my body and boundaries. And though there were a few bumps in the road, I simply can’t wait for the next adventure. The future is filled with anticipation and I’m ever so excited to embrace it!
Stella –
This was a very difficult assignment, but it was so much fun to do, and it turned me into a good little slut. However, there is a few errors that could change, the first being that blockerx. The problem with it is that I could still search up hentai and see fully nude anime characters, (which I didn’t jerk off too). Also, another problem is that this app needs to work on mobile because I could easily search up porn on my phone since blockerx doesn’t work on mobile. Another thing you could do is make it so people who cum when they are not allowed to receive a punishment like extended days in chastity. And to spice things up you could make small challanges that people could optionally do throughout the day such as staying hard the whole day, or write slurs on you body and have it on you for the whole day. After they do it you could send an email asking if they completed ot or not, if they did they could get a reward or nothing at all (since pleasing mistress is already an award) if they chose not to do it or failed to do it they could get a punishment. Other than that, I would say that this course is great and would recommend to other students.
Lilly –
I couldn’t use the Blocker X app, as I was without a desktop. A moblie version would be nice. Regardless, I would recommend this to all other students. As well as, ask for a few variations of this so I may do it again.
Éva –
Ksusha –
the positions were a little uncomfortable and I would like a little more penetration with an increase in the duration of the course to a couple of months, in order to completely drown in the hands of the mistress and become a small and weak-willed sissy thirsty for cocks
Rose –
I have a fabulous time. And I thoroughly enjoyed every moment.
Petrochka –
Thank you, Mistress!
Things were simple until Day 18!!
Thank you, Mistress!
“…to see you beam with pride.”
A whole new me became aroused to new horizon of possibilities.
Scarlett –
I really liked the tasks Miss and the teasing was just sooo good. I would love more. I felt a bit sad on the no touch days but was always looking forward to the task days. Everyday i was thinking about how i am doing the tasks laid out by you and being a good sub.
carmen –
I really enjoying the wetting part and where I had to rub myself on a pillow as that made me work for it and chase even the smallest feelings of pleasure (although I was tired at the end)
I would recommend it to others it was a nice journey.
Maybe find better porn videos or only include audio as some people may cheat and have a look.
Day 8 link was broken as it would automatically redirect you to the video and you wouldn’t be able to proceed.
Natasha –
It was a super course. It was moderately difficult and the Blokker X gave an extra interaction. It was more than enough teasing. I enjoyed the assignments and they made me horny. I can definitely recommend this course. I also saw my peers (shemales) at work and I liked that extra. Natasha
Sissy –
It was very challenging but did help a lot twords masterbation and how to be a girl. It was pretty fun with the tasks and overall a good time but it doesn’t tell you what all toys you need to do it right so you need a cage and a dildo. Overall I would suggest it.
Sissy Jennifer –
Easy to interact with. Really enjoyed having the app to control what I looked at on the Internet
Bella Page –
I would highly recommend this. I enjoyed all of the tasks and it was just the right amount of teasing for me. Personally I wish some of the shorter tasks were a little longer as they felt there were too quickly, but it was still so much fun!
Sissy –
The Masturbation Schedule is perfect for the sissies who want to take the next steps in their sissification journey. The sessions start within everyone’s comfort zone, Head Mistress Alyssa guiding you along the path. Offering both gentle reassurance and playful teasing leaving you just on the edge eagerly awaiting the next session.
This isn’t just about teaching the correct way for sissies like you to pleasure yourself, it’s about fundamentally changing your mentality so you understand that sissies get more pleasure and stronger climaxes from places other than your clitty.
To me the only downside to this is that before the session there’s no real way to know whether you will have the required items besides a chastity cage. If the other required items were to be added then I would easily give this a 5-star rating.
Chastity –
From the first time I was told no cumming it put my horniness in overdrive it was so much fun. I kept wanting to fuck my ass soooo much but mistress continued to say no! Would absolutely recommend everyone try this!!
Ally –
I really liked the schedule, however I booked it far too early in my sissification journey. I really would love to send the pictures from me for the website but I’m just too ugly at the moment 🙁 Also, with my overweight I was not able to perform all the tasks as written (I’ll redo the schedule again when I lost all the weight, diet is started already :)). Another problem was that in the needs there wasn’t written that I need a dildo (I know it was in the pictures but I oversaw it. I used a buttplug and an anal trainer but they did not work like a real dildo would). Also I would have loved if there was an indicator of how long the daily task would take, that would make it easier to schedule if I do it before dinner or if I should finish all tasks for the day before hand. All in all I really loved it but there is still some minor room for improvement.
The blocker X app was kind of useless, I have to admit. It did not recognize many porn sites I frequented beforehand (but I just then kept to hypnotube anyway to be a good sissy ^^) and it blocked a subreddit with tips for sissys that wasn’t sexual, but I love the idea of this software and the schedule ^^
Sophie –
It was great, well planned, the tasks were different and inventive, forcing me to really think and feel like a sissy! The Blocker X really added to the denial, and by the end I was gagging for even less control! I only wish that the off days included some teasing, some form of denial that mistress sends that reminds us we are in chastity, maybe some Hypnos to watch on our off days.
Rhiannon –
This was such an awesome experience for me, the teasing, the need, the horniness built up, all of it felt wonderful. This is a must have for anyone needing to be their true sissy self. No sissy is complete without experiencing this at least once. I plan on going back over it later on just so I can feel it all again.
I enjoyed every bit of it, from my first day up until my last day. The feeling of horniness by day 20 was unbearable and I squirted the moment my dildo sank into my quivering and waiting ass, without even having to touch my clitty.
I didn’t use the BlockerX because it kept getting flagged by my antivirus, even on easy mode, so I just did the next best thing and changed my browser settings. From now on my only access to porn is hypnotube and I’m happy with that. It’s all I really need anymore.
As far as improvement, this masturbation schedule was perfect. I just wish that there were a way to commit further to becoming a sissy, a more directly hands on approach for the sissies that are truly committed to their sissification.