You want to reduce your masculine jerking habits and replace with feminine ones for 20 days
You value humiliation in supportive environment
You are comfortable with your fetishes as there is a bit of brain shift, becoming and staying a positive slutty girl
Runs for 20 days
Contract to sign
Pre-configured app/website blocking program (optional, but adds to interactivity)
Videos to watch
Audios to listen
RCEI (Ruined cum eating instructions)
Cum Denial
Ruined Orgasm
My voice instructions
New sensations through learning your body, instead of just jerking off
And more
Blocker X (Optional to use)
App and website blocking software. This only works on macOS and Windows.
We have created and preconfigured a software you can install on your computer. This will disable some of your porn like straight and lesbian. So I could better control the porn you watch. Hypnotube.com is enabled to inject suggestions making you the girl I want you to be 🙂
Use computer for this assignment
Have a chastity (can be done without but need to use your willpower then)
Bit of a brain shift going on here. Become and stay a positive slutty girl.
Duration: 20 days online dominance
Chastity recommended, not a must
I want to align your body, your mind and your sensitive area.
No worries, no doubts, just you, me and my instructions on the 20 day journey. Your wild side also has a sensitive side on it’s own. I want to introduce you to it. It will be so much fun and you only need to follow the instructions. Do not think, do not doubt, let me take the steering wheel for your brain. It’s only 20 days and then you will get back the driving seat.
Megan –
Great assignment I have never squirted so hard before
August –
This course was a fun, enjoyable (if frustrating) 20 days of denial! It really helped me explore my feminine side more and helped teach me me that denial isn’t the only goal in wearing chastity, it’s also about the teasing and staying horny.
Ania –
i loved it. each assignment was a new discovery of the most hidden desires. i would have liked a lot more penetrative assignments. it would have been at the absolute top if there had been instructional videos with a sissy to show the type of assignment.
thank you H.M. and Sissylover
p.s i think i will do it again
Ember –
I loved the experience, really fun assignments and I found myself in anticipation for then. The blocker x was neat and added some uniqueness to the course. The print out was okay I kinda wish I didn’t look at it. The tasks were fun and enjoyable they weren’t too demanding tasks either wish was nice. Only downfall for it was how finicky the Blocker X was at first (which is now fixed!) and it didn’t auto start on boot up. Overall a great value and highly recommended!
Nadia G –
it was fun and challenging. Plenty of assignments to get me worked up and leave me frustrated – but also to think of arousal from a different (feminine) point of view.
Carly –
Pretty much exactly what I was looking for in Sluttification, I have found here. Definitely the best content to get if you’re looking for straightforward instructions, material to watch and a guide on how to feel like a slutty, little whore. I’d love something exactly like this, but with more focus on penetration – I think the Anal courses are a bit lacking in this aspect.
Kitteh2inch –
was a very wonderful experience I did have a few lapses in my own confidence which the app did a wonderful job keeping me away until I regained my composure. All of the tasks were completely on point for exactly what I had desired.
Staci –
The course was fun, the blocker x worked ok but had a few glitches, just the right amount of teasing. I found the tasks ok but left me wanting more. All students should take this course <3
stephanie white –
I really enjoyed the progression in this assignment. You can build the necessary foundation to lead you into the amazing world of sissygasms. I definitely don’t want to go back to any old habits…..
The difficult part was finding the right space and time to concentrate properly. I will probably go through it again for fun. I did not print anything out, I just made a copy in my google Drive. I don’t watch much porn so I didn’t need the Blocker X.
I loved the amount of teasing and I would love more teasing. I just enjoy that.
The tasks made my horniness level go through the roof and the videos are excellent. I want to be the girls in those videos for real. I am way more sensitive now, but also more squishy limp and small…
I definitely recommend this to other students who want to realize any feminine sexuality potential they may have.
My only criticism might be the repeated videos in some assignments. I felt like I was missing something or that the link wasn’t correct for a different video. But all these videos are worth a rerun anyway.
Thank you Mistress. All my love…
Betsy –
It was a good experience overall to try new stuff not only focus on having an orgasm. The videos files could have been better, some stuff were a bit repetitive and even if it feels good to feel feminime, we are meant to be sissies and not womens. For me it is far more exiting to dress up and be fucked than just rubbing my clitty.
Anyway, this is my honest review but I managed to follow the course and still enjoyed the experience.
Thanks you mistress.
Diane Cross –
Honestly, this was very rewarding. I went through the the full 20 days of the schedule ,and I must say I feel better for it. Each day felt a little more in line with mistress’s will, and whenever I completed my task I got a little tingle of joy in my chest because I felt like I made mistress happy. Would highly recommend.
Jessica –
Truly loved this assignment, having Mistress choose what you can and can’t do kept me on the edge wanting more after each assignment. I was horny constantly and felt more and more like a sissy slut the further into the assignment I got. Would highly recommend this to any aspiring sissy
Linda –
It certainly was an intersting experience, can’t remember being so horny ever before. The Blocker app added a nice extra feeling of submission, even though there certainly were enough issues with it to actually work fully as intended (the preset blocking lists weren’t nearly strict enough, and sometimes blocked sites that really should not have been (everything that was labeled “fucking awesome” looked like porn to the blocker…).
Some of the tasks should probably have been a bit more involved, and the kneeling position asked simply wasn’t possible for me, never mind making me feel a sexy girl; having easier alternatives for those would have been nice, now I had to improvise myself.
But it certainly was a worthwile journey, thank you very much for that.
Elise –
Its always exciting to be controlled by other person(s), act more and more girly over time, getting more and more sensitive with every day until you waiting for the moment when the person(s) in control allow you to have a girly squirting orgasm. the Blocker need some upgrade like auto run when turns on the pc. It do not restrict sites and keywords till you turn it on manually and made a bit hard to check my mails due my mails/adress contains one of the keywords so it auto closed it.
sophie –
moderately easy, the print blah, too many days is nothing for the price, not teasing enough, and stains not exciting enough. this remains my opinion but a lot should be improved I recommend anyway. harder would be cool .
adrianne –
The schedule was awesome if the school puts another together like this I would gladly buy it, creating tension between days was great and I learned a lot form it – I’m kinda sad that it has finished as i was totally submerged into the world of sissyfication every time I got home form work – also you must have an upto-date computer system to have the blocker working. You will be surprised at the content that is in this course, a true master piece – xxx Thanks Sissy Lover Team xxx
Este –
The masturbation schedule assignment was a highly enjoyable series of tasks. It was not particularly challenging, but very rewarding in how it slowly changed how the stimulating material was presented, working to slowly build a different way of thinking. I used the ‘hard’ mode where Blocker X could not be turned off, and it rarely actually blocked anything as I worked hard to stay within the restrictions of acceptable material.
I would highly recommend this series of assignments if you are interested in a slow progression that involves a certain amount of denial in audio-visual pleasure since it is best done with the blocker included.
Selene –
I thought it was a little too much teasing, but it certainly got me in the mood. The blocker worked as intended so it was very difficult to be able to access porn. The one issue I had with the course we’re the personal images that were required. Otherwise it was great it kept me on the edge and kept me wanting and aroused. I wanted to cum so bad by the end of it I would have done far more than what the course required. I would have liked more opportunities to cum from anal stimulation during the course. I would definitely recommend this for someone interested in doing anal play it forces you to let go of things and focus on what really gives you pleasure.
Sally –
this course was a lot of fun my boyfriend really enjoyed teasing me on the days I was not allowed to touch myself but I do have to say I do feel more a lot closer to being the true sissy I was meant to be every task was fun sexy and ohhhhh boy they will make you feel super horny
AlexandraMcSuckin –
This course was amazing! By the end I feel so feminine. I highly recommend it.
There were a few bugs with the blocker software but the staff was very helpful in helping me solve it.
joshua raynes –
11/10 would recommend and do it again!!! I loved every second of it. Thank you sissy lover.com staff for putting this together
Isabella –
Loved every minute of it. If you want to experience some domination and being a sissy girl, this is the course for you.
Like the course says chastity is not a must, but it’s sooo much better with it.
Thank you Mistress Alyssa and the academy staff
Kai –
I loved the instructions Mistress Alyssa gave me in this instructions.
The blocker software didn´t worked properly on my pc.
Overall the instructions made me a more obedient little slut 🙂
Nika –
I can’t recommend this course enough! It’s still only day 7 but this whole experience has been surreal. My honest recommendation is that if you enjoy being a sissy (the lifestyle and all) and want to take yourself to the next level and experience new sensations, this course does that and more. <3
Mistress Alyssa and the academy staff have delivered a life changing experience … at least for me.
Love everything so far and I can't wait for more (well, I am supposed to ~, lmao)
knickersoft –
i bought months ago but am excited to try this out !~
Cyndiquil93 –
I have been waiting for this to cum out ever since i bought. Ive been fucking my sissy pussy every day in anticipation and im so frustrated it hurts in such a good way ?