sissy training academy trainer

Sissy Training Academy

How does the Academy work?

You will receive regular emails that contain sissy training material. Your tasks, daily assignments, and studies will gradually evolve.

It is a free training program of high quality but we do also offer extra classes and career modules that are for sale.

The aim of the free training program is to slowly ease you into exploring your feminine side and perhaps see how you like living as a girl. It includes adult words, non-explicit sexualized content, and sexual exploration.

The goal is to make you feel confident in your own skin, sissification, feminization, and exploration of your sexuality so you are left feeling content and attractive. Which will certainly stack the odds in your favor to have a future owner, girlfriend, boyfriend, Mistress, Master, or find a compelling sissy career option. It can also elevate a relationship if you’re already in one.

Do I need to pay to attend?

The sissy program is (as of right now) free, and we hope you enjoy the high level of quality we strive to have. However, if you want to dive deeper into the topic, explore possible future career paths, take on some extra slutty assignments, or if you just want to support the Academy and its efforts in educating sissies – we have premium classes available for purchase

Our Head Trainer Frida has a passion for her job, which is why she wants to help as many of you as possible. She is also qualified in the psychology and coaching department that’ll hopefully make all of your lives better while we’re at it. 

How much control does a sissy have?

All participants have lots of choices and ability to tailor their own path and manage their workload. For example, we recommend you to carve out time in each subject for tasks that are meant to be done in the mornings. If due to life circumstances this isn’t practical, you can do the tasks at night time as well. You are also free to leave the course at any time (obviously) but we do ask you to tell us why so we could better the experience for others. If you’re ever in need of a break, you can pause the course at any point and resume training whenever you feel like it.

Do you occasionally chat up the sissies to see how they are doing?

We keep track of you and your daily progress using The Sissy Training Book™. You are to mark a box every day you do your daily commitment. This book can easily be shared and so it would be wise to actually update it as you go and be honest doing it. Sure one can fake this, but it will be tricky and require advanced skills to get it past, something we do not think anyone can keep up for a month, let alone a year. So based on the progress we might give out punishments, rewards, or extra assignments. Getting caught cheating or just slacking puts you at risk of being removed from the program.

Will I have to take pictures and send them to you?

We ask for no personal images or videos. However, we do ask for collecting things such as inspirational images or images for conditioning, and we might ask you to share them so others in the program can benefit.

We might ask for taking non-identifying photos of your toy collection, or fashion items, but sharing tends to be optional. We want you to always feel safe and comfortable while getting enough push, punishment, and rewards to keep moving forward.

Is there a deadline for tasks? After all, good girls turn in their homework properly

Good girls do indeed show proper behavior at all times, little rebellious sissies learn their place quickly as well. Doing a task a day late once in a while is fine but if it happens often we will look into administering proper behavior adjustment or recommend that you change your educational plan to better fit your life. Of course, the longer and deeper into the program you go the more strict the grading and monitoring will get to pass.

Do I need to buy a lot of things? Anything I shall get now?
You need nothing to participate as we begin.

Over the year, we do hope to help you get equipped with toys, clothing items, makeup and other sissy accessories that you might not possess at the moment but wish to have. Almost everyone has some things to begin with so we try to tailor the process around your needs and goals.

During the program we will set up a plan with things we recommend you to get: sex toys, lingerie, normal everyday things, and fashion items.

In the first month, we will make a budget plan to help with planning expenses over the year. You will also create a wishlist for the things you might not need yet but have a longing for.

As of right now you can start by saving up some money so you have a buffer to make your year smoother.

What is the sissy training book?

The Sissy Training Book is an ambitious project worked out by our Head Trainer, Frida. It’s a place for you to record and keep track of your daily habits, log assignments in to help push/reward/punish you forward. It’s an online blog-like place for yourself. You can share it easily to deter cheating if you wish to. It’s quite advanced but still simple to use and manage.

What if I do not have that much sexual experience?

Do not worry. If you have not yet started anal, you’re new to it from being a bit scared, don’t know how to make it feel good, it’s been a long time since you did it, or maybe you want to get extra credits due to interest in introducing anal to others then we have the extra class for you: Anal Intro.

What if I already have “extensive” sissy sex experience?

An essential part of the program is to clarify your training goals and progress.

For the final career track sissy slave girl you probably would already rank high in some of the sexual skills.

That being said, there’s always plenty more to explore and also more to each of those degrees than just sexual proficiency. We have seen sissies that excel in certain areas like sex, but that have large blind spots around how they could take their feminization to the next level. There are many aspects in which the program can help grow and develop even for an experienced sissy.

Those who choose to do the class called ‘’anal 101’’ are assumed to have anal experience and for those who are beginners in anal we have an extra class called “anal intro” to get you caught up. So it’s not a beginner only program

Many love the daily habit structure since it really builds you up over time and pushes the sissy further than they probably have ever been able to get by themselves before.

What if I can only study certain days a week? Can I still participate?

Sounds like that will work just fine.

We do not require you to open the emails the same day they are sent. We actually recommend that each student tailors their studies to their life for maximal effect. We do have daily assignments and if it’s not possible for you to do them then just be honest in your reports. Saying you completed a task when you actually didn’t might result in being banned for cheating.

After we send out a study subject, we always give you a whole week minimum before any tests, sometimes more so it would be best for you to do some repetition so you are not caught off guard.

If I get career modules do they get incorporated into the school? Or will I receive something separate for this?

The premium courses and assignments available at the store are “extra study tracks”. They are not part of the free program and are intended to provide knowledge and practice for novices (Anal Intro, Beginner’s Chastity), push advanced students (Anal Expert), or allow you to get experience in potential careers (Sissy Slave Girl).

You need to make sure you can handle the extra courses you’re doing along with your training, but if you have any problems with the time commitments, then you can always pause one of the courses and resume it when your schedule allows. And since they are more advanced they also require knowledge of the basics.

What is the feminization test subject career?
It is an intense extra class module that introduces you to the career of test subjects. You get to prepare your own proposal along with some practical training.

We are not sending you around the world during the training program. We aid you in setting up a test subject application and if need be, gain more skills to increase your attractiveness as a test subject.

You’ll probably like it if you like the career Tumblr here: Be warned that link below contains hardcore nude sexually explicit sissy images The Acadamy’s Feminization Test Subject feed on Tumblr

Where do I get the career modules and extra classes?
You can get them here

What happens if I change my mind halfway through the year?
You probably will be swept by the flow and will end up living as a girl for… No just kidding.

You can quit at any time if you wish to…

Only the future can tell, but from my experience that it often isn’t as black and white as it might seem like. It is about understanding yourself, what drives and motivates you. This is something that helps you grow, no matter what you end up choosing for.

Whatever happens, we deal with it then and there, we have your back and you can contact us whenever you feel a need for advice or help in any area. We have a support system in place for scenarios like these.

If you really feel like you might change your mind, send us an email regarding your concerns and doubts first, and maybe we can help find clarity and confidence in whatever it might be.

Where do I get support?
We have a very supportive community here: Subscribe to our Subreddit

Where do I sign up for free?
Click here to send your sissy training application

Sissylover Academy Board

235 thoughts on “Sissy Training Academy

  1. Simon says:


    Very profeasional and cute website. This concept is kind of my dream. Please sign me up for the free content and thank you !


    • Miriam says:

      Ho ricevuto oggi la mail di ammissione, e nell’attesa leggere tutte questi articoli è molto interessante e mi aiuta ad avere una visione più completa su quanto questo sito sia professionale ed entusiasmante.. tuttavia parlo solo italiano perciò per leggere uso il traduttore che diciamo rende sicuramente molto comprensibili i testi.. mi viene il dubbio però se questo può rappresentare un limite nel poter frequentare l’Accademia, spero proprio di no. Grazie e complimenti per tutto.

  2. Sissy fukdoll says:

    I have always known i was different from other boys. I knew when i first fell in love with pantyhose and got my first erection wearing them that i wanted to be a girl. I began putting on lipstick, eyeliner, the whole 9 yards. I practiced sucking dick on bananas. I was a sissy from the moment i was born. My little clitty never grew past 1 inch flaccid. Hard i manage to get just about 4″. I knew the first time my lips were on a cock i was hooked!

    • Sissy says:

      I hope I get to join the sissy training academy it would be a great honor to be accepted into the academy. I would love to be trained to please and serve a Mistress as the sissy should always do. I hope that my training will start very soon. Thank you Sissy Training Academy looking forward to every part of the training.
      Thank You always

  3. Marcia Leanne says:

    Hello to all, my name is Marcia leanne. I am a mtf in transition and on HRT. I joined the Academy as a help to refine my femininity and to present a more consistent feminine presence. I have enjoyed every moment of the material and the manner in which it is presented. This is absolutely the most comprehensive and generous program I have found. My love to all the Academy Administrators, Miss Frida, and Miss Sarina. I cannot thank you enough for the excellence I have found here in these lessons. Submissively; Gratefully, and Respectfully Submitted,
    Marcia Leanne

    • Thalia says:

      Marcia, your comments help to validate my decision to apply. I’m also MTF on HRT – have been on and off but life keeps leading me back here. I’ve had so much experience transgressing gender boundaries, really, but I still feel like I’m “missing” something. Your comments on “refining your femininity” and presenting a more consistent feminine presence heavily resonate with me. I’m kind of bursting with anticipation at the decision – awaiting an answer from the instructors is causing me so much distraction! If I had any doubts about my desire to begin the program, my inability to focus while awaiting a decision is clearing up any doubts . . .

    • Annette says:

      I am a part time lonely closet crossdresser and very excited that I just applied for this sissy training to bring the inner woman ? out of her.
      Will this sissy training Help her find a dominant woman to share and enjoy
      her sissy journey, and help her find new sissy friends and admirers too?
      Would anyone please help me with this information request?
      Thank you for helping me become feminized sissy, and maybe for mtf transitioning too.

  4. Skye says:

    I don’t have much in the way of cash I can throw around right now, and I don’t know when I will, so if I join can I put this stuff on hiatus when it comes to spending until I have some money that I don’t need to spend on food, water, and shelter?

  5. rayelynn says:

    Hello everyone. This is by far the most effective program i have came across and i am doing my best and working as hard as i can to fulfill the student’s responsiblities. Daily life keeps getting in the way and already i am behind in the courses. i strongly recommend this all who know they are a sissy inside. i thank Sarina, Becca and most importantly, the Administrators and Mistress who has worked so hard to make such a successful school

  6. janine says:

    i always have difficulty with things like make-up and hair. i think this site gives really great ideas and tips and builds the confidence to become a perfect girl. thank you!

  7. Sissyntrnn says:

    I have been waiting on this for a long time looking forward to being a productive and pleasing Sissy for my daddy or my master. I crave cock so bad and I am obsessed with BBC.

  8. sharon says:

    Hi i’m Sharon
    Could you send me first emails with daily routine. I started my training with another account but i had some problems with email. So i arrived to Daily routin with lip gloss. I have a Folder with girl imagine and i read first Novel. It is possible use Italian?

  9. Joe Sherman says:

    I need sissy training real bad. I need to be in pink for at least 7 days. With butt plug in. Dress like a girl during the day and at night time dress like a baby girl 1 year old. I need to be toward the teaser girls eat like a girl walk like a girl talk like a girl be a girl I need to be torn on the TV the girl eat like a girl walk like a girl talk like a girl be a girl. Eat the foods that girls and drink milk and water for hours for going to bed and the baby bottle in the nipple to go to sleep .drink drinks that girls drink. Forced to keep a nipple in my mouth while I sleep. And butt plug stays in all night while I sleep for 8 hours.

  10. Alina says:

    I have been part of it for 4 months now. I really love it. They teach you everything to become a woman. I love the assignments and homework they give me. It is free but I cannot understand why.. I think they cannot keep it up for free like that as everything is well written and omg… I just love them. I have purchased extra classes and careers just to support them… but I found that the extra stuff is soooo goood that I wish there were more of these. Anyway I think I just wanted to tell that I love the sissy training and perhaps some sissy who is not sure if they want to join or not will find encouragement from my review. That is the least I can do to the academy.

  11. allison says:

    I cant wait i already wear panties and a DD38 bra and can easily fill the cups naturally am desperate for training, coaching, guidence lessons i will full submit and commit all the way

  12. Melissa scarlet says:

    I’m new-ish to this cross dressing thing but I love it and I love femdom as well , just I love LOVE love girls and wearing lingerie is so sexy and hot I almost can’t get enough of it, sometimes it’s hard to not think about, that’s why it’s scary to me , I don’t know if it’s what I really want or am I just going thru this FUN HORNY stage in my life. What I really need is a femdom mistress or a tv/ts/or a down ass chick that just loves being a freak with her man in the bedroom. Umm yea lol that’s all my comments for now

    • Mikey says:

      Hey Melissa mike here i feel like im just like you after i read your review and you sound pretty much just like me I like wearing panties and i have started with a lil anal play like I said I’m new and after reading your review and others I’m gonna join

  13. Suzanne says:

    After I Graduate I want to help you all in being able to get things from sissy store here and send those things to individuals who might not have been able to afford anything.

    • Jennifer says:

      I want to be a sissy. I’ve been wearing female cloths for years , but now I need to be totally feminized. I’m not a virgin. I love cock !!!!

  14. Krissy says:

    Hi everyone…wearing panties snd sucking ficks at the peep shows inthe city starting when i was 14. .so great. Lots of practice…maybe 4 after school ..each day! I was hot… Smooth verycute long hair..guys mouth filled with warm cum….of course guys started fucking me in there…

  15. Dalissa says:

    Hi I’m Dalissa ,I want to be the best sissy ever , I have wore the clothes since I was 8 years old .When I was in school after gym with all them handsome hung boys in the shower I just wanted to be on my knees and suck everyone of them off .Then they started busing in the black kids and yes yes yes I just wanted to make it with all of them . I have always wanted to be a girl .
    I want to be a maid or slave for a strong hung man or a dominant woman.

  16. Marki says:

    I love being a sissy and I love sucking cock as much as I love pantyhose and and sissy clothes I have dreamed all my life of me being a total feminine sissy ❤️

  17. NataliaBall says:

    Que lindo todos esos comentarios estoy muy animada en comenzar el curso.

    How nice all those comments I am very encouraged to start the course.

  18. Alexis says:

    I NEED the Academy. Before, my choice; live
    a lie, or be cut off from the world. Now I have my sisters! I adore the girls.
    I wish I could host a party for all of us, complete with male strippers!

    • jennijenzz says:

      this is so exciting I put in my application yesterday and i cannot wait to hear if i am accepted. I really need this now. I am as much “sissy” as i have ever been right now and i could sure use a push or a pull or just a “good job sissy” .I now i am a sissy, it;s just hard sometimes jennijenzz

  19. Nayana says:

    I would be happy if I could see this world with your help and i don’t know what made me to reach till here, but I FEEL it inside me…I wouldn’t I’m trapped in this male body but something keeps pushing me beyond that and I feel that I’m a girl… 🙂

    • DaYZkakes says:

      I’m SO excited I was accepted for my necessary sissy training! Now I ll keep checking my emails constantly!! Can’t wait to make videos of my progress so my superiors can judge and recommend proper discipline to encourage improvement and strict obedience.

  20. sissysamantha43 says:

    ever since i started trying on skirts and stockings and suspenders it felt so tingly on my body and then i started buying womens glossy magazines i guess this brought out the sissy in me what do u think all this means xx

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