You want to reduce your masculine jerking habits and replace with feminine ones for 20 days
You value humiliation in supportive environment
You are comfortable with your fetishes as there is a bit of brain shift, becoming and staying a positive slutty girl
Runs for 20 days
Contract to sign
Pre-configured app/website blocking program (optional, but adds to interactivity)
Videos to watch
Audios to listen
RCEI (Ruined cum eating instructions)
Cum Denial
Ruined Orgasm
My voice instructions
New sensations through learning your body, instead of just jerking off
And more
Blocker X (Optional to use)
App and website blocking software. This only works on macOS and Windows.
We have created and preconfigured a software you can install on your computer. This will disable some of your porn like straight and lesbian. So I could better control the porn you watch. Hypnotube.com is enabled to inject suggestions making you the girl I want you to be 🙂
Use computer for this assignment
Have a chastity (can be done without but need to use your willpower then)
Bit of a brain shift going on here. Become and stay a positive slutty girl.
Duration: 20 days online dominance
Chastity recommended, not a must
I want to align your body, your mind and your sensitive area.
No worries, no doubts, just you, me and my instructions on the 20 day journey. Your wild side also has a sensitive side on it’s own. I want to introduce you to it. It will be so much fun and you only need to follow the instructions. Do not think, do not doubt, let me take the steering wheel for your brain. It’s only 20 days and then you will get back the driving seat.
Veronica Jones –
I absolutely loved it! I felt so girly and could not wait for my next task.
I love the blocker that redirects to hypno tube, the idea is great, it would have been better if I didn’t share a computer. The ASMR audio clip was a little repetitive, maybe add in some other visuals? I like the brainwashing Hypnos the best. I would’ve liked to have more things in my pussy, and a longer edge/denial towards the end. But over all it was a lot of fun. I really wanted to sign the contract halfway through and tell you what a dirty slut I was and how sexy I felt and send pictures and everything. But I’m still cautious about sending that kind of stuff. I’m sorry. ?
I will absolutely tell all my sissy friends to sign up for this course! It was so much fun. ?
Bambi –
Doing the Masturbation Schedule, really helped and showed me there are many ways you can pleasure yourself. Not only that but there is nothing wrong with accepting your feminine side. Having the Blocker X app was great also because having someone control what you can and can’t look at made the training even more worth it. There is a lot of teasing and it’s great because the hornier you get the more sensitive you learn just how your body can be! I do wish though the videos were better some of them were repeated mostly on the ones with girls moaning. Sometime I would get a little disappointed that it was the same video. But I think other students would love this only to learn the many other ways you can pleasure yourself and also feel someone else have control over your pleasure.
soppy –
It was very exciting, and it felt good.
teha –
I love this mission, even if I must admit that I found it difficult not to have the possibility of stimulation other than the one brought in the module, I wanted to go further on the 4th day . having to print my schedule I love it and tells me that a calendar on a year with days without stimulation, day with rosebud, and other like this person does
https://www.etsy.com/fr/listing/752972965 / calendar-of-sissy-training-tasks? ga_order = most_relevant & ga_search_type = all & ga_view_type = gallery & ga_search_query = sissy + calendar & ref = sr_gallery-1-33 & organic_search_click = 1
I am thinking of buying the one for next year
the blocker X application was just super frustrating because having got into the habit of “strolling without necessarily being stimulated on sites prohibited from agrrrr.
I would recommend for students who novice I want some who may not yet have learned to love female stimulation
Lydia –
I like the schedule
The course helped me a lot
Jen –
Just Perfect
tinker –
I loved this assignment. It was defiantly one of my favorites. I always love waiting for the next lesson but this.one I was begging for the next day
Meme –
I enjoyed the tasks, they make me horny all the time
Anonymous –
it was difficult as all the teasing made me really horny. I enjoyed the tasks and videos
Sarah –
An assignment that teases you until can only think of having a cock in you. I personally think the tease lasted a little too long and maybe a penetration day in the middle would add to craving cock in the latter half of the assignment. Loved it and would recommend to any sissy.
Mina –
I loved it so much! But had some trouble multitasking this and the daily routine.
Lucia –
It was a rather exciting assignment. A lot more than i thought it would be. the blocker X app was a interesting touch as it made it more frustrating during the assignment but that is what made it even more fun than it would be without it.
Elsa –
I think this is their best service they’ve come up with so far. The way the tasks are formatted and presented makes it my personal favorite and by actually following the instructions and rules, I felt incredibly girly, horny, and needy which left me with some of the most intense, enjoyable orgasms so far. Would recommend.
Gemma –
It was a very fun and exciting experience. It is well worth buying
Jessica –
Masturbation schedulo was amazing for me. Now I know how to prepare my pussy for each dick what I will meet in future. And… I had my first sissygasm because of Masturbation Schedule 🙂
Jessica –
It has a similar feel to the Masturbation assignment, mistress takes control of your habits and cum schedule, but much longer and more involved. I absolutely loved all of the assignments, videos, and audio files that were included. The only thing I didnt enjoy was the days when you didnt have anything, just a day of waiting for the next assignment. The wait was excruciating! (Though it helped build the anticipation and made the next assignment day more fun)
Janice –
I don’t want to sound too excited, but this experience has been nothing but life-changing. But please let me start with the overall design. The visual presentation (the design of the schedule sheet as well as the color theme of the websites for the special assignments) was really nice. I was always looking forward to each and every new assignment for me. The time dedicated to each day was very well chosen as well.
There was just one tiny downside for me. I am a rather shy girl and don’t like overly vulgar or harsh language too much. In the sissy Academy we recently learned: “Most women are rarely casually coarse or vulgar with their language…”. And I find this perfectly true for myself. Therefore the language in this overall wonderful module was a bit too extreme for me to feel 100 percent comfortable at times. But this is just me – I’m sure most of the girls to there just loved it!
Concerning the life-changing part: in the past I struggled to keep my urge to “get relief” under control. Therefore giving away the choice when and how to get pleasure was extremely freeing and gratifying. Learning not to take it for granted and learning to earn that privilege make it so much more special.
But what really caught me off guard: during one of the first assignments I experienced an orgasm without actually cumming that was so much more intense and mind-blowing than anything I felt before in my life. I was drawn into a whirlwind of emotions and sensations (while this little thingie was safely tucked away) that left me utterly aghast and hopelessly entangled. When we were allowed to actually experience relief during the module, this “traditional approach” felt disappointedly lame, shallow, dirty, cheap, and unsatisfying in contrast. I was someone who could barely keep her hands off myself and now I don’t even feel the urge to touch me in that way any more. I will never be able to look at intimacy, erotism, and sex with the same eyes. Thank you for this revelatory journey and experience.
This rollercoaster ride also brought me more in touch with my female side. Of course feeling mind-blowing peaks of joy by just stroking my tucked-away clitty opens a door to female desires, that I was unaware thus far. But I also observed that I began to act and feel way more feminine during this module. And I am happy that this process keeps on even after the assignment has ended.
Vivian –
Well, what can I say about this fun course?
I had a fun time that got progressively harder and harder to complete. The printout got me excited for the instructions!
I don’t want to spoil anything but the app really helped to tease me, especially in between the (really hot) tasks.
I’d totally recommend it!
I feel so more in touched with myself
Sissy maxine –
I honestly loved and adored this schedule!! It had me excited to see what the next day would bring and it definitely helped me feel more submissive and feminine!! I absolutely recommend everyone try this!!
Anonymous –
very interesting and made me super horny
will do it again
Bambi –
It was very fun. Blocker does not work properly.
Sissy jane –
A fantastic course, sissy jane followed everything s.he could and had 20 wondeful days especialy the last one. sissy jane had the best orgasm ever and will never
masturbate like a man again. Thank You Mistress Alyssa.
Cindy –
Overall I enjoyed the assignment. I felt it was really exciting and it definitely made me hornier. I wouldn’t say the tasks were neither easy or difficult, but just right.
What I didn’t like was that after the second day the Blocker app crashed and it needed to be fixed. Also, I would have liked to see an iOS/ Android version of it to be able to install it on the phone as well, although I know this would have been more complicated for you.
Another suggestion would be to construct a feature that verifies that the sissy actually does the tasks — something photo based maybe.
Tracy –
Was not expecting to lead to such an experience. The long anticipation and suspense…I truly need more of this training so I can learn to be the best sissy I can.
Zalia –
I loved it, it pushed your own boundaries by quite a bit. The blockerx was kind of unnecessary however, it didn’t really work that well. I’d say it was overall a moderate difficulty.
Emily –
I was hoping for a little more anal instructions, CEI and dress up instructions but still had a lot of fun.
Alice –
Awesome, it was a great experience!
Altough, it got really hard at some points, I loved the thrill of it, altough the blocker did get in the way of a few non-sexual websites.
joeanne –
The Masturbation Schedule was very enjoyable. What do I get to do today? Oh my that feels different. Worth it for the different feelings and methods of masturbating.
Also, someone else owns your orgasm for 20 days.
叶欣韵 –
I printed out my schedule, and the task was moderately difficult and the teaser section was good. But Block X is not very interactive. I could do more tasks to make me more feminine
daizee –
I was very pleased with this training. It was incredible to learn how to enjoy new methods of stimulation and to develop a new mindset. The addition of chastity and no touching days helped to heighten my anticipation and excitement. Add to that the blocker x and it is a perfect storm of sissy frustration leading to fabulous submission.
Thank you Head Mistress Alyssa for guiding me through this fabulous journey.
Bayley –
Mistress this course was challenging and Blocker x tested my desires and it took me a few days to find the sissy rhythm but once i did I started to feel like a woman with a clitty and asspussy. my favorite part was exposing myself to Mistress in photos but was disappointed there was no feedback. Maybe its because I did it a little wrong because I couldnt photo my belly because I just had two surgeries.
This course helped me while Ive been home recovering.
I would highly recommend.
Kisses, Bayley
Ludmilla80 –
It was grandieus to explore my femininity
AvaAsh69 –
Overall a great assignment, especially for the price. Could have used more variation in the teasing to physically build up the horniness more and possibly a wider range in the visual teasing also. However it definitely made me a hornier slut over time!
Josie –
Incredibly well designed assignment. Really does boost femininity and sensitivity round the whole body. highly recomend for begginner all the way up to experienced sissies xxx
Jade –
I would call it high moderate. the print out was great. blockerx had some difficulties but overall worked well. I say the teasing level was what I would expect in this kind of program. Overall enjoyable and would recommend.
Jamie –
I really enjoy masturbation instructions/assignments/homework and that sort of thing, so I was very eager to try this. Overall, I thought it was OK. The tasks were fun and creative and had a pretty good progression, although I didn’t always have everything I needed and had to adapt a bit. The level of difficulty of the assignments was, in general, easy-to-moderate. The hardest part by far (for me) was all the downtime in between tasks. Limiting myself to a 30 min task every other day without looking at porn in between was quite difficult. The blocker was a good idea, but it wasn’t really effective and in the end avoiding porn was really about willpower.
CiciLake –
WONDERFUL Course!! I enjoyed for 20 days.
Good Value for money. I strongly Recommend all sissies.
Thank you Mistress Alyssa and Team XOXO.
Anonymous –
It was a great course overall, but I wish it covered more different technique of masturbation also. I loved the techniques mentioned here, but I wish there were more methods to cover! Otherwise it was a fabulous course and this sissy loved every moment of it, and is so proud of her evolved masturbation techniques which are definitely more feminine in nature now.
Also the blocker x didn’t really work for me. Even after installing it, I was able to access much of the porn sites, using different browsers. So I just kept myself mentally strong. It worked for me, but might now work for all sissies out there.
WendyTs –
As with every “Extra Credit” Acadrmy program i have participated in (this was my 4th) this was anpther well organized and well managed effort that far exceeded my expectations. On a very personal level it reinforced my mindset of who I am and who I have yet to become.
So, bravo, Mistress. Bravo!!
Ms. Wendy Ts
Ps. This is not intended as a negative but on a personal level it would be nice if you could find videos that feature girls like ourselves with a different clit design that the girls in the videos presented if for no other reason than it would be easier for the subconscious mind to absorb and store for future reference.