As I’m sure you remember sweetie, one of your goals for 2025 is to turn your bony little behind into a luscious, ample peach.
This isn’t a goal you can complete overnight (unless you fancy a trip to Brazil and can afford a BBL surgery) so I wanted to start the year by giving you plenty of guidance on how to achieve it.
Before we dive into everything else, I want to take a minute to take about a couple of the terms I’ll use today.
a) When I say “man” or “men” or “male”, I’m referring to someone who has gone through male puberty and hasn’t spent a year or two since then actively changing their hormonal profile.
b) If I use “woman”, “women” or “female” I mean the inverse, someone who went through female puberty or has been medically transitioning for a couple of years.
c) Someone who is transitioning MTF but doing so without hormones or has been taking hormones for only a short space of time is a woman, but if I have to write a hundred-word explainer every time I use one of these words, you’ll be rolling your eyes the second or third time you have to read it and we don’t want that, so I will write it once here and that should be plenty.
Ok, let’s go over the basics! Women have larger butts than men, this happens because once a woman passes through puberty, fat will naturally tend to accumulate around her hips. That means if she starts to put on weight, her 🍑 will grow and become bigger and plumper.
For a man, once he passes through puberty, fat will accumulate around his belly. So when he puts on weight, his tummy will (unfortunately) become bigger and plumper.
Discounting liposuction (again, a surgical procedure that costs $$$$$), there’s no way to spot-reduce fat on your body and unless you’re planning on the BBL I mentioned earlier or are going to spend at least a year or two on HRT there’s no way to spot increase fat on your body either.
Diet is a factor, but that’s a whole topic in itself and one we’ll dive into in an upcoming post.
Assuming you’re a man, as fat is a no-go, you need to increase the muscle on your butt to make it bigger and luckily, this is not only very possible it’s also pretty straightforward. I might even go so far as to say it’s easy, but a few workouts in, and you might dispute that 😼.
One last tip, measure your butt before you get started, and then measure it every week. Make sure your bottom half is naked and measure around the widest part. Use a tape measure or if that’s not available for you, use a length of string, a belt, etc anything long enough to go around you that can then be measured when it’s laid flat. If you don’t have anything to measure it with, you should be able to find a ruler/measure, etc app on your phone that will tell you how long something is. Once you’ve made a measurement, take it again two or three times if they’re all around the same length, good job! If any of them are significantly bigger or smaller than the other, try again and make sure you’re measuring the widest part every time.
When you’re happy, make a note of the number and keep track of it throughout the year so you can see your progress. It also means that if anyone asks you to prove you hit your goal you have data you can wave at them.
I think that’s everything we need to cover first, so onwards to your dos:
1. Consistency
Just like sissification in general, when it comes to any athletic endeavor consistency trumps everything else. You can have the perfect workout but if you only do it once every couple of weeks, it will have no impact.
Your butt workouts should be just like brushing your teeth. Something you do without having to give it much thought, it’s simply part of your routine.
The first step is to decide on your workout schedule and once that’s done, make sure you set yourself sufficient reminders so you don’t accidentally “forget” a workout or have it clash with something else you simply have to do.
Then track the workouts you do (your Training Book is the perfect place for this). At a minimum you have to track whether you do it or not, if you want to keep things simple just do this. You can track other things, how long the workout is, the exercises you do, the number of reps and sets, how you feel after the workout, and so on but when you’re getting started, make sure you’re not overloading yourself with tracking work that will make you less likely to do your workout.
Then set yourself rewards, the first one should be for completing the first week. This should be something small and simple (you’ve only completed a few workouts!) along the lines of a sweet treat or new lipstick.
Then set a bigger reward for completing your first month of workouts. Now consistency doesn’t have to mean perfection, good enough is good enough. A 95%/90% success rate can be counted as a pass, although if you want to set one reward for perfection and a smaller one for a pass then I think that’s a very good idea. The reward here should be bigger than the first one, maybe a new pair of workout leggings (the kind that accentuates your butt perhaps?) a sports bra or even a new toy will all fit the bill.
Once you complete a successful/perfect month, your workouts should be habitual and you need to switch to punishing yourself for failure instead of rewarding yourself for success. As a sissy, you’re very likely to consider the more traditional forms of punishment as rewards (especially as you’re already spanking yourself with a wooden spoon every day aren’t you darling?), so you need to make sure the punishment is something you don’t actually want to happen and prefer to avoid. Complete denial of any sexual pleasure/stimulation for a week, go without dessert, no porn, no hypno, etc.
If you don’t go to work, you’ll be fired. If you don’t go to school, you’ll be expelled. If you don’t do your butt workouts you’ll… (fail your 25 for 25 challenge but you need to put something a little more personal here).
2. Intensity & Rest
Ooooh this is what we call a twofer!
You’re building muscle honey (such a sissy goal 😆), this needs two things work and rest. When you work your muscles, little micro-tears form on them. When your body repairs these tears, it makes them stronger and thicker and will start to form new muscle fibers if they’re needed.
This means you need to work hard enough in your sessions to push your booty and then give your body enough time between workouts to repair itself.
Low-intensity workouts will lead to low-quality results! If you feel like you can pump your butt every day then you’re not pumping hard enough.
On the flip side, your body needs time to repair after you exercise, especially so for your 🍑, because it will still be in use when you walk and move around.
There’s no universal ideal for intensity, it’s entirely down to the individual. So after your first workout, check in and see how your bottom feels. Is it fine? No real change or noticeable effect? Then you didn’t work it hard enough and need to up the intensity next time. If it’s aching so much you can’t sit on it, then you’ve gone a bit too far the other way and can back off next time.
Even though you might be spot on at first, you’re going to need to keep checking in and periodically upping the intensity of your workouts. Your butt grows in response to the work it’s doing, so when it’s adapted to your current level of effort you need to push more and go harder.
Think of it like a Mistress from the Academy telling you to put your lab partners 🍆 in your mouth. She tells you to do it but it’s very sudden and you freeze, so she gives you a little swat on your fanny to encourage you.
You drop down, take the tip and start sucking. The Mistress laughs at you for being such a submissive pansy and then demands you take it all in and begins paddling your backside until you manage it.
Your first workouts are the tip of the 🍆 but you can’t stop there, you need to keep working harder and harder and pushing yourself so you can go further and further down on it.
Rest is easier to judge! Leave at least a day between your butt-building workouts, if you need two days off, that’s ok but you should feel like you need to take them instead of you want to.
You can aim for either a workout every other day (so it will be four workouts in the first week, then three in the second, four in the third, and so on) or three times a week. The second option will give you an extra rest day to play with in case life rears its ugly head, gets in the way and you need to move a workout to the next day.
Listen to your body sweetie!
3. Fixate
If you’re reading this article, then odds are you desire a bigger butt. To slightly misquote a famous psychiatrist, “How do we desire? We begin by desiring what we see every day.” You need to fixate on the idea of growing your butt so much that the idea of skipping a workout, slacking off, or any of the other excuses you might make become ludicrous.
Watch YouTube videos from women talking about the one weird trick they stumbled upon that really made their peach pop, check out the people you see in the street and ask if you’d be happy with their a$$, search online for GIFs and TikToks of women walking and allow yourself to become hypnotized by how it moves.
When people lose a significant amount of weight, it can take their minds a while to catch up with their bodies…even when the evidence is apparent in the mirror. You can reverse this process, to your benefit, by working on your mind first. Tell yourself over and over that having a big butt is your natural state, that you have a big butt and all the evidence you can see backs it up (no pun intended 😉).
Once you reach the point where you believe what you’re telling yourself, everything else will follow naturally and your journey will become a lot easier.
Window shop for thongs and tangas and other styles of panties that show off your 🍑 and imagine what you would look like in them. What a guy walking behind you would see and think when he catches sight of it (I know, I know you can’t really think like a man, but give it your best-shot honeybun!). How loud would you squeal if Daddy snuck up and gave you a firm *smack*?
Look for hypnos that encourage you to get a true sissy bod, watch porn where women with super juicy bottoms get rewarded for their hard work and all the time tell yourself, “me, me, me, me, me”.
4. Variety
You’ll probably have realized that what I haven’t given you yet and spoilers, won’t, is a list of exercises or routines to follow. This is because there’s no one “perfect” routine. Even if someone tells you that this is what worked for them, there’s no guarantee it will work the same for someone else. What you have to do is mix things up, find what works best for you, and then when it stops working as well, change.
There are enough butt workout videos on YouTube that you could do a different one every (other!) day and never run out of new workouts to try.
If you find a workout routine you love, at some point it will start to lose its impact as your body adapts. So don’t let things get to that point. Every time you do a workout, make it different from the one before.
If you have some experience and aren’t planning on using videos as guides, then it’s even more important to keep things fresh because it’s easier to fall into a rut. You can make a randomizer that will give you combinations of exercises/reps, buy workout dice and there are any number of other possibilities that will let you introduce some spice into things.
If you’re changing things up like this, your body won’t get bored and your mind won’t either! If you’re not quite sure what is coming next, you’ll naturally pay more attention to it and when you’re more engaged, you’ll enjoy the process more and feel more attached to it.
5. Equipment
Watching a BJ video is hot but watching it with a dildo and following along is much hotter! Embrace a sissy’s desire to use equipment (ok usually equipment shaped like a 🍆 but let’s take it a more general approach) and use it to help grow your a**.
What kind of equipment? There are a couple that everyone should use. First up are ankle weights. Whenever you’re trying to grow muscles, adding weight is a way to supercharge the growth. Once you get comfortable doing a leg lift, strap a weight to each ankle and see how comfortable you are.
The second one is a resistance band, although they usually come in packs of bands with varying resistance. Put one around your knees, do a bridge and then slowly move your knees out and in.
A band can be used to challenge muscles that usually don’t get much of a workout and ankle weights can’t help with. They’re the perfect way to make your butt look more sculpted and natural.
If you’re lucky enough to have a gym membership and then luckier still that your gym has stair steppers then welcome to hell 😘. A proper workout on one of these machines will leave you feeling like you’ve spent an afternoon getting punished by Head Mistress. Just make sure you either ask that hunky instructor how to use them properly, focus on your form, and don’t go all out until you know what you’re doing.
If you’re not this lucky, then you can buy an exercise step, which is pretty cheap, or even make your own (just be careful you make it stable and wide enough). They’re not as intense as a stair stepper but they will give you plenty of bang for your buck and let you add more variety to your work.
All of these tools aren’t just unitaskers, they can be used for other exercise goals beyond growing your behind but that’s just the cherry on top.
6. Don’t do (maybe)!
Squats are an amazing exercise. They have a lot of benefits and, even better, will grow your backside (and if you add some heavy weights, the results can be impressive). However, as you can tell from the subheading I came here not to praise squats but to bury them, you shouldn’t be doing squats (probably).
The first count against them is that although they look simple and straightforward, they’re surprisingly technical. How far do you bend down? Can your knees go past your toes? How straight should your back be? Can you do them against a wall or is that a terrible idea?
If you look up every one of these kinds of questions online, you’ll find people giving you every possible answer. Yes, not only is it ok for your knees to reach past your toes, but they should do it for the best results. No, are you crazy? It’s so dangerous for your knees if they go past your toes, what are you thinking?
Second, although they will grow your bottom, they will also grow the other muscles down the back of your leg. Your butt will pop when it stands out compared to what’s around it. If you have thick things as well as a big butt, it won’t pop, it won’t stand out and people won’t give it a second look 😥.
Now, this is the “maybe” point. If you’re a woman (according to how I defined it at the start of the article) and they appeal to you, then you should investigate squats as a way to grow your butt. The extra fat your body stores around its hips will help your butt to stand out even if your thighs plump up. You should get someone to show you how to do them properly, but beyond that, squat away!
For the rest of you, skip the squats! There are plenty of other exercises for you to focus on that will isolate your glutes and get you the results you deserve.
I know I promised 5 “Dos”, but I’m going to give you a bonus one. Start today! It doesn’t have to be right now but you should make it a point to work out your butt before you go to bed tonight. Today is all you ever have so don’t delay and get working. The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll reach the point where you can catch random guys walking behind you on the street with their eyes on your butt (and their tongues on the floor).
To help you get started, I’ve created a workout plan you can follow for your homework.
You can find it here and it contains links to videos of each exercise so you can see how they should be performed. Now you’ve got no excuses, you don’t have to find a video you like or think about what you need to do, just get going!
If you’ve already started, well done sissy! But don’t let that go to your head and slack off, remember point 1 CONSISTENCY. A good start is wasted if you don’t follow up on it.
I expect to see a lot of pictures in December of all your cute and perky little sissy 🍑 so don’t disappoint me 💋.
I really want to grow my butt in 2025. Thank you very much for your special attention to this topic.
Awesome and simplest way to get my bubbly round butt. Now i can be confident enough to get attention from all alpha. Thanks much mistress goddess
I really enjoyed reading this article, very instructive and as always with a sexy touch. Love it.
Hope the academy will keep grow and become better and better.
Great minds think alike!
I have recently started working on my butt,hips,thighs & middle.
Thank you so much for this help.